
What's the meaning of life?

That's what I was asked very recently. I really didn't have to think long.

The meaning of life is, you're on your own. Seriously.

Sure, some people are lucky enough to have good family and friends to get them through the hard times, or a lover that they are happy to spend their whole life with, or a religion to depend on, and use to justify their existence.

But when it comes down to it, you are totally on your own. No one else is wearing your skin, and experiencing the trials you go through. No one else really knows how you feel, and understands all the little things about you that make you you, and all the wishes and hopes, and dreams and aspirations, and all of your glitches. And for the most part, they don't really care. They can't, completely. Its not in our nature.

So what's the point of all this?

Live your life. Do what feels right. What else can you do? The world is too full of problems to spend all your years trying to solve them. Life is too short not to have what you want, and not to appreciate what you have. And if you figure out what love is? Just enjoy it. But learn how to live without it, and be prepared to; that's my advice.
