
I suppose I will write an update of sorts, even though my large following is all but nonexistent these days.

I am working at Wal-Mart now, which turns out to be a very decent job. The benefits rock, and the people are ok. I am even getting involved in the stock market a little bit, since they make it very easy to take advantage of Wal-Mart stock by deducing it from my paycheck. They even cover all of the broker fees, and match you by 15% of everything you put in up to $1800 a year. I still need to educate myself with all this stock market crap, but its worth it to see if I can save up some good money for a few years.

That's really it right now as far as new and exciting events. I worked 72.5 hours the last work week, during thanksgiving week, and I was beat as hell after that. I was grateful to be able to take advantage of the overtime though.Come the end of the year I hope to be debt free and on my way to financial stability and semi-success. But how many times have I planned on that, eh?

I have been doing a lot lately to try to stimulate my brain. I used to be a lot sharper, and lately I have noticed that my vocabulary has been going down the drain, among other things. Part of this is because of how hard it is to surround myself with stimulating company, and not people who are content to sit around and talk trash and brag all the time, who take it as an insult if you use a word they don't know.

I have been reading up on the subject of kick starting my brain, and have read some tips that I think I want to try, likethe concept of a 'quiet day' once a week, when I turn off all radio, TV, and other stuff for a whole day and just spend it in silence. Or, exercising my brain by writing more, using my non-dominant hand to do things, and doing word puzzles and things like that. I have been meaning for a while to get back to my writing the way I used to. Hell, there are a plethera of talents I have wasted over the last few years, cause things have been so crazy. Maybe I can make up for lost time?

