

Hi, everyone. I know I have been out of touch for quite sometime. I was in a real weird transition, and a whole bunch of CRAP happened all at once, so it was best to fly under the radar, indefinitely.

Still not too definite, cause things are still crazy. I am in Arizona, and I love it out here. The picture is me on top of Shaw Peak a couple weeks ago (pics courtesy of a couple cute college girls I met at the top). I love the mountains and stuff here, but I miss the trails back east. These are lacking a certain diversity...everything is very bland and monotone.

Not a whole lot interesting to report right now. I am not going to go into the whole story of the last few months. It is quite a tale, but I will leave that for other posts.

For now, I am just working hard, like always. I am working at a leather store (Top salesman!) and doing what odd jobs I can get on the side. I am about to fly back out to NY for a couple weeks to help a friend build her house, and then I will get back out here to finish getting settled in my own place.

till next time!
